Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It occurs when the tissues around the shoulder joint become inflamed and thickened, causing the joint capsule to become tight and joint space reduction.
It is mainly divided into three stages
On examination, painful and restricted external rotation in neutral and mid elevation position.
It is a myth that only diabetic persons will get a frozen shoulder. While diabetics are more prone to developing frozen shoulders, it can occur in anyone. Other risk factors for developing a frozen shoulder include a previous shoulder injury or any major surgery, thyroid disorders, stroke or long immobilization and hormonal imbalances. It is more common in women than men. Most common age group is 40-60 yrs.
As a pain physician in Gota, Ahmedabad, my role in treating frozen shoulders is to provide effective pain management solutions without surgery.
Investigations: Although it is mainly diagnosed clinically, MRI helps us to rule out rotator cuff tears.
Some of the treatment techniques I use are:
Physical therapy exercises can help in early stages. It improves shoulder flexibility and reduces pain.
Intra-articular corticosteroid injections can help reduce inflammation and pain in the shoulder, followed by Rehabilitation physiotherapy which will improve Range of Motion.
combination of Saline, steroid and local anesthetics reducing pain and stiffness and improving Range of motion
Refractory cases will need surgeries like Arthroscopic Capsular Release.
As a frozen shoulder specialist doctor in Ahmedabad, I am equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide effective treatment options for this condition. My goal is to provide patients with the most effective treatment options to help them regain their shoulder function and improve their quality of life without the need for surgery
In conclusion, it is a myth that only diabetic persons will get frozen shoulders. This condition can occur in anyone, and there are effective treatment options available to improve shoulder function. As a well-knowledgeable pain management doctor in Gota, I am committed to providing the most effective treatment options for frozen shoulder and other conditions causing pain.
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